
Initiative Nachhaltige Rohstoffbereitstellung für die stoffliche Biomassenutzung

Initiative Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials

for the Industrial Use of Biomass



   Renewable resources for material use:

  social und ecological!


Regrowable raw materials are increasingly used in industrial production. They are to be produced sustainably and given credible certification. The aim of the INRO 'Initiative for the Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials for the Industrial Use of Biomass' is to reach an agreement with industrial companies on the voluntary certification of renewable raw materials to the point of their first processing.

The participants at INRO are:

  • Companies from the chemicals, automobile, packing, consumer goods, materials, hydraulic lubricants and lubricants, varnishes/paints industries;
  • Industrial federations and associations
  • German ministries and authorities
  • Scientists
  • Environmental and development organisations and
  • German certification systems

On the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag sponsored by



Publications about INRO:

Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung: INRO entwickelt Kriterien für nachhaltige Beschaffung von Biomasse. On: www.process.vogel.de, 19.11.2013

„Nachhaltige Biomasse auch für die Chemie“ On: www.plas.tv, „Meldungen“

Certification of Renewable Resources. On: ChemistryViews.org 28.10.2013

"Chemieindustrie will Zertifikate für Biomasse". On: VDI-Nachrichten.com. 18.10.2013

"INRO-Kriterienkatalog für die Biomasse-Nutzung". On: Herd-und-Hof.de Online-Magazin für Verbraucher. 10.10.2013

"Biomasse mit Zertifikat". On: transkript.de. 10.10.2013




Sustainability Criteria


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Criteria for good Certification Systems

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